Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Had a great night before Halloween working at Paparazzi,
This is definitely my favourite picture from the night,
there were a whole lot more that were taken too,
if you were wondering about a picture I took of you Helina and Attila have all the pictures so I'm sure you'll see them around, on the website and facebook.

Much love!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fashon week

These are some photos of Rachel Saunders (Barbara Coultish management) from a photo shoot at peacock billiards during fashion week with western academy, just reedited some of them the other day.

I worked with her twice and she was a great model to work with.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kourtney and Ben

Just finished working on Kourtney and Ben's photos, I took these photos of them for my portfolio, and just edited the rest of them for them to keep as a thank you for modeling for my portfolio.
These are just a few of my favourites hope you enjoy them!
time to work on the photos from Katie's birthday and then some family photos I took today.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sorry for the delay in any updates... theres no wifi at my house right now so it will be a few days before theres any new posts up!
I will post ASAP

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Here are some of my wedding images from my portfolio from western academy,
from various locations, there were actually 12 images in my book, but I can't fit them all on here, so I am just putting some of my favourites on here.

Something old into something new

So I have just been going through my computer lately taking photos off and putting them onto a hard drive, because my computer is so stuffed full, and in the process I came across a bunch of photos that I took awhile ago but never really did anything with... so I decided to go through some of them and work on them, at the same time I am also working on pictures for a couple.
so here's some I have been working on lately.

These are pictures of Tisha Textor from Feb 2010
Just trying new things in the studio, and then trying different things in photoshop.

New Blog

So this is my new blog where I will update with latest photography and what I am working on lately, since I haven't got a website up and running yet this will have to do for now, I will try to work on it as often as I can so everyone can see my new stuff.
